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High Functioning

The first book to unmask the hidden face of depression.
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An exclusive interview about my book with Sarah Cooper. Sarah is a famous comedian, author and actress. She left a prestigious corporate role at Google to pursue her true passions to become a comedian and actress. Sarah and I discussed the 5Vs method to thriving in my new book “High Functioning”.
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In this book you will find ways to:

Science of Your Happiness™
We're all familiar with what depression can look like, but there's another, lesser‑known face to this illness. High functioning depression (HFD) doesn't conform to the image of depression that typically comes to mind. As a result, people with HFD often have no idea why they are suffering, or what to do about it.
Tens Of Millions Of People Worldwide Suffer From High Functioning Depression. Are You One Of Them?
You are unable to find pleasure in activities you used to enjoy.
You feel emotionally numb or detached, like you’re on autopilot. You struggle to concentrate or complete tasks that you previously handled with ease.
You are tired all the time but your anxious energy makes it hard to sleep.
You feel apathy about the present and dread for the future.
You avoid seeking help for your problems so as not to burden others.
You often feel inadequate or overwhelmed by guilt. You don’t stop to enjoy your wins; you’re too busy striving for the next one.

About Dr. Judith
Dr. Judith was awarded a SAMHSA Grant, which allowed her to study mental health in 30 countries, and understand that happiness looks different across diverse groups and cultures. She meets weekly with other thought leaders on her acclaimed The Vault Podcast, through research in her New York City based mental health laboratory, and through her clinical practice.
In 2022, Dr. Judith started to post her expertise on social media and her platforms went viral, garnering attention from Washington D.C. which led her to then be invited to the White House and awarded a US House Of Representatives Proclamation for her social media advocacy and mental health research.
Since then, she has lectured at prestigious institutions such as The Executive Office of The President of The United States, Ivy League Universities and Fortune 500 companies across the United States and Europe, and become a sought after on-air expert and international thought leader in the mental health space. Dr Judith is passionate about educating and empowering you, so that you can become an expert in the Science of YOUR Happiness
What is High Functioning Depression?
The Collective Trauma we endure may also be a risk factor, and individual traumas make us even more at risk for HFD. Dr Judith’s unique trauma inventory takes 4 types of trauma into consideration, childhood, adulthood, intergenerational and collective trauma.
After 2020 many people have yet to process the trauma of the pandemic, the police brutality, political uprisings and wars. Many have not even processed their own personal traumas. Dr. Judith has developed unique trauma inventories to determine how this impacts the risk of developing HFD.

Anhedonia may also be the result of trauma. This numbing leads one to feel as if they are going through the motions. They don’t enjoy life as much, and they are just on autopilot. Anhedonia is a sneaky condition and, if unaddressed, may lead to people going from High Functioning and depressed to low functioning and depressed. The anhedonia quiz she developed in her lab allows readers of her book to focus on areas of their life that need to be improved so they have a fuller and more satisfying life.
Frequently Asked Questions
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